5 Health Risks of Getting Silicone Injections

Injectables are widely prevalent within the realm of beauty. They are used to enhance various features, from smoothing wrinkles to augmenting lips and cheeks. However, alongside their popularity, a troubling aspect emerges, characterized by unauthorized procedures that seek to exploit this trend while posing significant risks. In light of this, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently issued a grave cautionary notice specifically regarding silicone injections.

In 2017, the FDA expressed explicit concern regarding employing silicone fillers for body contouring, such as augmenting the buttocks or breasts. The statement outlines that the FDA has been made aware of instances wherein unqualified individuals, some deceitfully assuming the guise of doctors or licensed healthcare practitioners, have administered illicit or unauthorized body fillers like silicone or oils to patients. The FDA underscores the potential consequences of such actions, emphasizing that injectable silicone can migrate within the body, causing severe health complications, including fatal outcomes.

An Overview of Harmful Injectables

Harmful injectables encompass a range of substances used in cosmetic procedures, including silicone injections and biopolymers. Silicone injections are a type of injectable substance composed of liquid silicone. They have been historically used for various cosmetic purposes, including body contouring and enhancement. However, using silicone injections for these purposes is generally considered unapproved or off-label by regulatory bodies. Silicone injections carry significant health risks and complications.

On the other hand, biopolymers refer to a group of substances used in cosmetic procedures typically composed of biocompatible materials or synthetic polymers. They can come in the form of hydrogels or polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). Biopolymers are sometimes used to enhance the appearance of various body features. For instance, biopolymers in buttocks can enhance volume and shape. However, it is essential to note that biopolymers for cosmetic purposes are also associated with significant health risks and complications.

Now that we have this covered let’s shed light on the alarming ramifications of these procedures.

1.   Injectables Can Migrate

Silicone injections pose a significant risk as they can migrate within the body. Once injected, illegal silicone can move from its original site, leading to various complications. In the case of buttock injections, silicone can migrate to areas such as the labia/scrotum, thighs, knees, and even ankles, causing distressing consequences. Similarly, facial silicone injections can also migrate within the face and neck, resulting in unpredictable and undesirable outcomes.

2.   Disfigurement

Silicone injections can result in permanent disfigurement. The injected silicone may cause the affected areas to harden and develop irregular lumps, resulting in an asymmetric appearance that looks unnatural and disproportionate. These visible deformities can be distressing for individuals, affecting their self-esteem and overall well-being. It is important to note that correcting such disfigurement may require extensive medical interventions or surgical procedures.

3.   Cancer

Silicone injections, particularly those that are illegal and performed outside regulated medical settings, can have profound health implications beyond cosmetic concerns. One significant risk associated with these injections is the potential development of cancer. The exact mechanisms by which silicone injections may contribute to cancer formation are not fully understood. Still, there have been cases linking certain types of cancer to the presence of silicone in the body.

The long-term presence of silicone in tissues can lead to chronic inflammation and immune system dysregulation, both of which have been constantly associated with an increased risk of cancer development. Additionally, the migration of silicone within the body, especially when injected into sensitive areas, can disrupt normal cellular processes and potentially contribute to the formation of cancerous cells.

4.   Fatality

Illegal silicone injections pose a terrifying threat to health, extending beyond the potential development of cancer. These injections risk severe and lifelong consequences, including the possibility of death. The migration of silicone within the body can cause damage to vital organs, impairing their functionality and potentially leading to life-threatening complications. The detrimental effects of silicone injections can result in organ failure, leading to a critical condition that may require an organ transplant for survival.

The use of non-medical silicone in unauthorized procedures significantly increases the risks involved. Silicone injection into the body can disrupt normal physiological processes, trigger chronic inflammation, and compromise the integrity of organs. These detrimental effects can have catastrophic outcomes, and in some tragic cases, individuals have lost their lives due to complications arising from illegal silicone injections.

5.   Additional Adverse Effects

Silicone injections can have severe consequences, including the onset of chronic pain. Individuals who undergo such injections may experience persistent discomfort and aching in the affected areas. Moreover, silicone injections can lead to a range of additional adverse effects. These include swelling, inflammation, and numbness, which contribute to the overall discomfort experienced by the individual. Redness or discoloration of the skin may also occur around the injection site. And this often signals potential tissue irritation or inflammation.

In various cases, silicone injections can result in the development of diseased tissue or tissue necrosis, leading to further complications. Individuals may also report feelings of fatigue, possibly attributed to the body’s immune response or the impact of silicone on surrounding tissues. The risk of infections is a significant concern due to the invasive nature of injections. Introducing foreign substances into the body can create an environment conducive to bacterial or fungal growth, potentially leading to severe infection.

Lastly, it is crucial to recognize that the severe consequences of silicone injections extend beyond physical discomfort and aesthetic concerns. The psychological impact should not be overlooked, as individuals may experience emotional distress and decreased self-confidence due to the adverse effects caused by these injections.


Nowadays, people undergo various procedures to enhance their appearances. The widespread use of injectables has raised significant concerns regarding unauthorized procedures and their associated risks. Despite their historical use in cosmetic purposes, silicone injections are generally considered unapproved and pose substantial health risks. These injections can migrate within the body, causing complications and disfigurement, leading to permanent asymmetry and unnatural features. Moreover, the potential development of cancer, organ failure, and the risk of fatality further underscore the dangerous nature of illegal silicone injections. Awareness of the risks and adverse effects associated with these procedures is crucial in making informed decisions about personal well-being and overall health. By prioritizing safety, individuals can mitigate the potential harm caused by harmful injectables and ensure their beauty practices align with their long-term well-being.