Living with BPH: Tips and Strategies for Managing Your Symptoms

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a prevalent condition among men, particularly as they get older. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of this disease is crucial for effectively managing its impact on your life. BPH is a chronic condition that can significantly affect various aspects of your well-being, necessitating comprehensive knowledge and preparedness to effectively cope with it. This article will explore practical tips and strategies to help you manage the symptoms associated with BPH.

Understand the Cause of your Symptoms

There’s one question that most patients suffering from this disorder have: what is BPH?

Benign prostatic hyperplasia, or prostate enlargement, is a condition in which the prostate grows in size. The prostate is an organ that normally covers the urethra just below the bladder, and any enlargement can result in the urethra getting pinched, which causes all of the common urinating-related symptoms seen in BPH cases.

The causes of this disorder are unknown, but there is a strong link between BPH and age. As men grow older, the balance of hormones in their bodies changes. This can result in the prostate getting enlarged.

Common Symptoms

In BPH, because the prostate gets enlarged, most of the associated symptoms arise as a result of the urethra being pinched down or having more pressure exerted on it. The most common type of symptoms a patient with this disorder may experience are all urination related. These include increased urgency to urinate, difficulty urinating, incomplete emptying of the bladder, and nocturia, or feeling the need to wake up to urinate constantly, which is one of the most intrusive symptoms common in patients.

Coordinate with a Physician

As is the case with most long-term diseases, your healthcare professional will be your biggest ally in keeping you healthy. Getting professional advice is necessary, and following through on the doctor’s orders is necessary, whether that includes extra testing or a strict form of treatment. Benign prostatic hyperplasia lies on a spectrum, with some patients having worse or more acute problems than others. If you’re lucky and have a mild case, you may not be prescribed anything beyond a healthy diet. If it’s a more intense case, you may have to take medication. In either case, a professional opinion is absolutely necessary.

Change your Habits

BPH is a disorder that may greatly impact your life and requires you to change or develop some habits to make things more convenient for yourself or avoid potentially embarrassing situations. You should try to empty your bladder every time you urinate, even if it takes a few extra minutes. You should also urinate before leaving the house. Keeping a healthier diet rich in grain, vegetables, and vitamins and devoid of excessive salts and spices is recommended, as your bladder will be less irritated.

Try Dedicated Workouts

Living with this condition long-term can be difficult, which is why you should use everything at your disposal to make it easier for yourself. A good idea is to try out a few workouts that help with the control of your bladder and alleviate pain in the region. Kegel exercises are excellent examples, as they work to strengthen the pelvic floor or the muscles that help to regulate the control of the bladder.

Control Fluid Intake

If you have a lot of water at an inopportune time, you will most likely feel a strong urge to go to the bathroom shortly after. It’s important to ensure you’re fully hydrated, but, in some cases, like having a glass of water before bed, you may be greatly inconvenienced, especially due to the increased likelihood of nocturia.   Spread out your fluid intake for example, Instead of consuming large amounts of fluids all at once, try spreading out your fluid intake evenly throughout the day. This can help minimize the impact on your bladder.


Living with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) can pose challenges, despite not being life-threatening or requiring immediate medical attention in most instances. Coping with the frequent urges to urinate and other related symptoms can be tough. However, by implementing the recommendations provided in this article, you can potentially enhance your ability to manage BPH and make the experience more manageable.